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Bikernieki rada
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Läti k. aga niiplju kui aru saan, siis kogutakse hääli, et riik algataks eraomanike maa sundvõõrandamise kuna nad ei soovi oma maal enam ringrada lubada vaid tahaks sinna maju ehitada. Nimelt osa rajast asub ärastatud maal.

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If the Bi?ernieku racetrack lose the status of a national sports base, it is likely that it will no longer exist at all. With such concerns, Zebra TV show this week supported the initiative "Alienation from Private Owners for the Development of the National Bikernieki Complex Sport Base", initiated by the platform.

Its authors on the platform two weeks ago prompted the alienation of the state-owned land on which the National Bikernieku Complex Sports Base (BKSB) is located. The initiators argue that this is necessary because three landowners have approached the Ministry of Education and Science with an invitation to suspend the status of a national sports base for some of their land at the Bi?ernieku route. "But this land is necessary for the operation and development of the BKSB," the authors write.

In this case, their recommended behavior would be similar to that of the dispossession of land for Rail Baltica and other state-owned facilities.
"It might sound like a difference - it's called a national or ordinary track, but it's not," said Zebra, according to the BKSB, saying that "landowners can get their own", we can lose the Bikernieki track and get one more micro-district in its place in the middle of the forest, on the shore of the lake. "

"If we lose the status of a national sports base, the tracks are unlikely to be," the program reads the portal "Similar attempts to destroy the track were already in the 1990s, when the bankruptcy of the route was prepared diligently, so that it could easily be plunged into a good area of ??land in a bankruptcy".

In 2007, another attempt was made to privatize the track, Zebra says. At that time the problem was resolved by handing it over to the Road Traffic Safety Directorate, but some segments of the route are still located on private land and landowners receive land rent for their land.
These years have been thoroughly developed BKSB - modernized highway track, invested in the new Rallycross track creation, but the problem is prolonged because of problems arising from continuously coordinate work on the track with private landowners. And now the owners of these lands require the Bi?ernieku route to take away the status of a national sports base.

If land is necessary for public interest, its owner may be alienated. Likewise, as it does, building streets, railways and libraries. If these disputed lands on the track area are eventually disposed of for the needs of the national sports track, the topic of the route, which has already been overwhelmed for more than 20 years, will be stopped. "The track has proved that it can develop in very difficult conditions, now the state has a duty to defend it," says Zebr]
15.10.2018 at 22:26
Bikernieki rada
Kuivõrd pealkiri haakus küsimusega, siis ei hakanud uut teemat tegema.

Kas keegi on kursis, kas Bikernieku rajale saab sarnaselt auto24ringile ka siis sõitma, kui mingit konkreetset üritust peal ei ole? Samas midagi meenub selle kohta, et kui ei ole korraldatud üritust, on territoorium sportivatele linnaelanikele avatud. Ühest Riia OT-st meenub, kuidas kella kukkudes järsku jalgratturid mööda stardisirget pedaalisid. - huvipakkuvad kuupäevad on 13.-14.07. ning kalendrist muud rajapäeva ei paista, kui mingi kohaliku E36 klubi üritus. Ilmselt võib üritada ka nendega sõbruneda seal.
28.06.2019 at 11:24
Bikernieki rada
MANO Motorsport Events - ta teeb seal rajapäevi, eelmisel aastal käisin ka. Sel aastal oli 30.Mail, ehk tuleb veel.
Kui suhtled, ehk meenutad talle et ka OT foorumisse oma üritustest teada annaks,

02.07.2019 at 14:16
Bikernieki rada
Umbertto: MANO Motorsport Events - ta teeb seal rajapäevi, eelmisel aastal käisin ka. Sel aastal oli 30.Mail, ehk tuleb veel.
Kui suhtled, ehk meenutad talle et ka OT foorumisse oma üritustest teada annaks,

Ekraanipauk nende kodulehelt:
02.07.2019 at 20:44 foorum : Vaba rada : Bikernieki rada  
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