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opentrack.tqhq.ee foorum - Ilma tolmukateteta pidurisupportid tänavale?
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opentrack.tqhq.ee foorum : Tehniline : Ilma tolmukateteta pidurisupportid tänavale?  
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Ilma tolmukateteta pidurisupportid tänavale?
Opentracki mehed paljud ilmselt ei tea, aga jutt käib selle auto ehitusest.

Olemas on sellised pidurid:
Esipidurid: http://www.wilwood.com/BrakeKits/BrakeKitsProdFront.aspx?itemno=140-9802-R
- Vasak sadul http://www.wilwood.com/Calipers/CaliperProd.aspx?itemno=120-11781-RD
- Parem sadul http://www.wilwood.com/Calipers/CaliperProd.aspx?itemno=120-11780-RD
Tagapidurid: http://www.wilwood.com/BrakeKits/BrakeKitsProdRear.aspx?itemno=140-7144-R
- Vasak sadul: http://www.wilwood.com/Calipers/CaliperProd.aspx?itemno=120-6806-RD
- Parem sadul: http://www.wilwood.com/Calipers/CaliperProd.aspx?itemno=120-6806-RD

Aga ei osanud ka ise tähelepanu pöörata tellides ja nüüd külge pannes avastasime, et kolvid on ilma tolmukateteta!
Kas on kogemusi kellegil nö "racing" sadulaga tänaval sõites, kas on kohe pärast esimest vihma kolvid sees kinni või ei ole asi nii oluline üldse? Vahetamine on ilmselt keeruline, kuna tellitud koos muude juppidega otse USA edasimüüja käest...

We live in a poor neighbourhood - we can only afford to drive old cars.
'93 GMC Typhoon 4.3V6 Turbo
'70 Plymouth Supercharged Hemi 'cuda
05.02.2013 at 15:32
Ilma tolmukateteta pidurisupportid tänavale?
Auto omadega pole kokkupuudet olnud, kuid baikidel on ju tehase poolt kohe ilma tolmukateteta kolvid kasutuses. Kolvid on kaetud sellise materjaliga (silmaga vaadates midagi defloni taolist), et rooste ei lähe ja tolm ei vigasta. Bagil on kasutuses baigi pidurisuportid juba 2 hooaega (mõnel juhul on terve support nagu porikäkk) aga kõik töötab korralikult. (Lisaks saavad need pidevat survepesu otse peale ja vahele). Ehk siis arvan, et muretsemiseks pole põhjust.
05.02.2013 at 15:45
Ilma tolmukateteta pidurisupportid tänavale?
Vahetamine on keerulisem isegi, kuna sobivat ei olegi olemas uurisin just...
Wilwoodil on Dynapro 4-kolviga sadul, mis on tolmukattega, kuid see "sööb" vaid max 13" ketast aga mul on ees 14"! :(
See tähendaks ka ketta vahetust juba!

We live in a poor neighbourhood - we can only afford to drive old cars.
'93 GMC Typhoon 4.3V6 Turbo
'70 Plymouth Supercharged Hemi 'cuda
05.02.2013 at 15:51 1 edit. Last edited 05.02.2013 at 15:55 by anryo
Ilma tolmukateteta pidurisupportid tänavale?
Rinkas sõidame Dynalite sadulaga juba 3-4 hooaega. Hooldanud pole neid seni pidanud ja alla lähevad kevadel samamoodi nagu sügisel sõit lõppes. Saavad nad vihma ja tolmu omajagu. Seni on probleeme olnud täpselt ümmargune null. Kui korralikult pesta ja hooldada, siis ei näe probleemi ja palju see auto ikka halva ilmaga kokkuvõttes sõidab?

Lada 2101 Coupé AruveeRacingTeam Petrolheads.ee
05.02.2013 at 16:01
Ilma tolmukateteta pidurisupportid tänavale?
Leidsin kaks mulle "sobivat" kommentaari:

Many people are curious about the 'street-ability' of Wilwood calipers since they don't have dust boots. Do they have to be 're-built' after driving through the winter or when changing pads? The simple answer is "no".
Wilwood calipers are built to such high tolerances these days that road grime will not get in between the piston and caliper housing. With some simple care provided when changing pads, Wilwood calipers can run indefinitely without needing rebuilding. All that is necessary when changing pads is to spray the exposed pistons with brake cleaner and wipe off with a clean rag before pushing the pistons back into the caliper. This simple step is actually why many big brake kit manufacturers have dust boots on their calipers; they believe their customers are too lazy to do this simple task.
Some people are also curious as to why Wilwood does not provide dust boots on most of their calipers. The reason is pretty simple. Wilwood calipers are designed with ultimate performance in mind, i.e.: they expect their calipers to be used hard, which means high temperatures. Dust boots turn to a gooey mess or turn hard and brittle when exposed to the temperatures of driving events/track events and in either case, loose any of their effectiveness to keep road grime off the pistons. When you stop and think about it, this could actually cause a dangerous situation. If you run dust boot equipped calipers very hard (to the point of corrupting the dust boots ability to keep grime off the pistons) and then push the pistons back into the caliper without cleaning them, you could unknowingly compromise the piston/caliper seal and possibly cause a brake fluid leak or total failure.

Have yet to try "unsealed" (I think it's really a matter of one seal per piston rather than two) race calipers on a road car, but am close to doing so.
Obviously a brake manufacturer is going to be inclined to warn you off because they don't want to be liable just in case. Also, their race product will not have been tested for extended road use, so it is a matter of speculation how it would hold up.
The guy I know with the greatest practical experience in related stuff assures me that race calipers in a road car should not be a problem - provided that the owner is prepared to service them frequently. His guess is that that ought to be once every 5,000 miles, or something like that.
I try to think of it this way: It is not unheard of that a 24 hour race will be continuously wet. During that time the car's tyres will throw up an enormous amount of grit and filth, and the total amount of piston travel will be much greater than it would be in an equivalent 2,500 miles of road driving. Nonetheless, there is never a caliper failure owing to exposed pistons.

Siin mingi tõepõhi nagu oleks tõesti!

We live in a poor neighbourhood - we can only afford to drive old cars.
'93 GMC Typhoon 4.3V6 Turbo
'70 Plymouth Supercharged Hemi 'cuda
05.02.2013 at 16:20 1 edit. Last edited 05.02.2013 at 16:20 by anryo
Ilma tolmukateteta pidurisupportid tänavale?
Suvel ja asfaldil sõites saab vast hakkama, kui neid vahel puhastad. Minu autol olid kolm aastat küljes ilma probleemideta, tõsi Saksas, kus on tänavad oluliselt puhtamad.
05.02.2013 at 16:29
Ilma tolmukateteta pidurisupportid tänavale?
Siinpool kogemus natuke teistsuguse sõiduki pealt, nimelt ca 15 a vanal Arctic Cat mootorsaanil on samuti ilma tolmukaitseteta Wilwoodi support küljes, tolmu ja muda ta küll taluma ei pea aga vett ja jääd on seal ümbruses pidevalt ning kinni pole kolvid hoolimata kõrgest vanusest veel kordagi jäänud (masin seisab aastas ca 8 kuud!). Kusjuures sellel supportil küll mingit teflonilaadset katet silmaga ei tuvasta, tõsi kolb on roostevabast materjalist.
Kokkuvõtvalt hobiautole julgen selliseid supporteid küll kahe käega soovitada.
05.02.2013 at 17:23 1 edit. Last edited 05.02.2013 at 17:24 by compact
Ilma tolmukateteta pidurisupportid tänavale?
No eks proovime siis, kui just keegi ei taha mu praeguseid pidureid ära osta?!

We live in a poor neighbourhood - we can only afford to drive old cars.
'93 GMC Typhoon 4.3V6 Turbo
'70 Plymouth Supercharged Hemi 'cuda
06.02.2013 at 14:13
opentrack.tqhq.ee foorum : Tehniline : Ilma tolmukateteta pidurisupportid tänavale?  
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